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Which is healthier, tap water or bottled water? The effects of water on plants varies on the type of water that the plant ingests. Water contains varying elements depending on their composition. This depends on what kind of components it comes in contact with. Bottled water is sanitary and is used by most people for drinking water. The tap water is purified using elements. A total of 24 Morning Glory plants will be planted, there will be 4 plants per pot. This will provide accurate data collection. To ensure that the plants are in the same environment and not exposed to any outside harmful or beneficial elements. The plants will be kept in a room at a constant temperature. The plants will have the same soil composition and grown in a Miracle-Grow seed starting pot mix. The plants will be grown in 6 biodegradable Lawn and Garden seed starting pots. Inside the pots, the seed starting mix will be put in. To provide light to the plants, the pots will be placed under a Jump Start 4 foot lighting source. This comes with a fluorescent light to act as the sun. The pots of plants will need to be watered daily and given half an ounce of water. The plant is fast growing, and will sprout in moderate temperature. Since the plants will be kept indoors it will be in a constant environmental setting, which means the temperature, setting, and overall feel of the room will be marginally unchanged. Plant height will be measured in centimeters weekly. This is the data that will be analyzed and used to perform a t-test to determine if the data is statistically significant. While both water sources should allow the plants to grow, the findings should be that the bottled water will provide more nutrients to the plants than the tap water.
