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I will conduct a Descriptive Literature Review researching different kinds of Music Therapy techniques on those suffering from schizophrenia. I will be looking goals and objectives set by the Music Therapist that focus on the client's realistic view of self and surroundings, working on skills in dealing with emotion, and growing in knowledge of ways to avoid social withdrawal. The purpose of using goals and techniques such as these are to bring clients back into reality and give them tools to do so in the future, to have increased amounts of confidence/healthier identity, to have improved organization of thought, decrease amounts of depression, increase adaptation skills, to have less rigidity to inconsistency, to provide coping skills for hallucinations, increased emotionalism, empowerment, development of communication and social skills, self management of illness, decrease positive and negative symptoms, and overall increased quality of life. Within this Literature Review I will be looking for the correlation between music therapy applications and different symptoms of the clients, determining the effectiveness of a specific treatment to a specific symptom or diagnosis. I will be comparing the different findings of many studies, looking for factors that could affect the efficiency of successful treatment. I will be looking for how therapists assess the reality orientation of the client and look at the results of any reassessment of that throughout treatment. The purpose of this Literature Review is to assess whether all different factors have been explored and to spark thought for further experimental research to find the most successful Music Therapy treatment for individuals suffering from Schizophrenia. Mental health care is simple in a world mixed up in so much complication and confusion. These people are in obvious need and I have a responsibility to them and anyone affected by this heart wrenching disease and would like to work towards finding an outlet of treatment that works.
