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Southwestern Oklahoma State University recently hosted a high school counselor program and luncheon in Oklahoma City for metro area counselors. As part of the luncheon, four $500 scholarships were awarded to schools. Counselors from those schools will present the scholarship to a high school senior who chooses to attend SWOSU. Winning scholarships at the program were: (second from left) Richard Smith, Millwood High School; Tonya Mann, Carl Albert High School; (fifth from left) Kelly Farley, Crooked Oak High School; and Jocelyn Trager, Oklahoma Centennial High School. Pictured with the counselors are: (left) SWOSU Enrollment Management Director Todd Boyd; (fourth from left) SWOSU Assistant to the President for Institutional Advancement Lynne Thurman; (second from right) SWOSU President Randy Beutler; and (far right) SWOSU Admissions & Recruitment Assistant Director Shamus Moore.