Issue 4 (1987)
Mythic Circle #4
Lynn Maudlin and Christine Lowentrout
Letters of Comment
Paul Rucker, Stefan Bilandic, Gwenyth E. Hood, Angelee Sailer Anderson, Ronald C. Morgan II, Pat Reynolds, Ollie Mantra, Sarah Beach, Melanie A. Rawls, Frances Garland, Janet P. Reedman, Diana Lynn Pavlac, Tim Callahan, and Mary-Edith Bridges
The Hoard of Hrothiric
Erin Lale
The Unremembered Tomb
Gwenyth E. Hood
this city needs danced over
Charles Rampp
The Ruddy Ghost: A Rondel / Aubade
Joe R. Christopher and Gwenyth E. Hood
cicada heritage
Charles Rampp
The Blood-Red Rune
Douglas A. Rossman
Ghost House
Ronald C. Morgan II
The Letter Gods
Stefan Bilandic
Paying the Piper
Janet P. Reedman
The Love Charm
John Patrick Wall
The Christmas Witch and the Halloween Elf
Virginia Kroll
The China Doll and the Meadowlark
Michael Kocik
Esmarella the Witchkin
Lee Beasley
The Fountain and the Black Fish
Gwenyth E. Hood

- Lynn Maudlin
- Christine Lowentrout