Issue 11 (1991)
Mythic Circle #11
Tina Cooper and Christine Lowentrout
Letters of Comment
Joe Christopher, Angelee Sailer Anderson, Joan Marie Verba, Erin Lale, Anne Valley, Gwenyth E. Hood, and Charles R. Schabel
One Sunday My Son / Cassandra
Dirk J. Verhulst
Civic Hospital, Emergency Ward / Reluctant Spring
Dirk J. Verhulst
Sonnet From A Dark Tower
Gwenyth E. Hood
Seamist For Two Voices
Clelie Rich
Olde Ballade
Gwenyth E. Hood
Sean's Retort
Howard Tessler
Only Half A Moon Outside
Zan Agzigian
The Dream She Never Told You / The River of Glass / Wooden Masks
Howard Tessler and Zan Agzigian
Now and Then / Wind, Maybe / Once Upon
Walter Kuchinsky
Signs of the Times
Gwenyth E. Hood
The Silencebringers
David Sparenberg
Medicine Cord
David Sparenberg
Red Hawk Song / Mount Lowe 1978 / Higher
David Sparenberg and Paul Newman
The Theft of the Sun
Douglas A. Rossman
Passage In The Night
Brian Mason
The Rune Master
Conda V. Douglas
Enforced Adaptation
V. W. Massie
The Light That Was Lorainne
Dan O'Keefe
A Special Bus
Charles Rampp

- Tina Cooper
- Christine Lowentrout