Issue 24 (2001)
The 2001 issue of Mythic Circle is somewhat late. I have all the usual excuses and some unusual ones too. My job, as usual, keeps me busy. Besides that, I no longer of the energetic help of Trent Walters, who, preoccupied with medical school and his own writing, resigned as coeditor. I had to muddle through by myself as best I could. However, Trent did contribute a short story and a review, which appear within these pages.Contributors
Gwenyth E. Hood
Retirement: A Masque
Joe R. Christopher
The Master Juggler
J. M. R. Harrison
For Eustace
John Savoie
The Lady Wears Gloves
Lala Heine-Koehn
Under Cloak of Night / Direction
D. John Gangnagel
To The Fates / The One-Eyed Rooster
D. John Gangnagel and Lala Heine-Koehn
It Was Rather Strange
Lala Heine-Koehn
The White Queen Soliloquy
Lala Heine-Koehn
The Frog's Tale / What Mr. Ai Didn't Learn
J. M. R. Harrison and Joe R. Christopher
Narnian Spring
Nicholas Ozment
Reviewing Peter Jackson's Movie
Trent Walters
The Bridge
Richard Reilly
The High Priest of Turmiz
Lee Clark Zumpe
Mythic Circle #24
Gwenyth E. Hood

- Gwenyth E. Hood