
Creation Date
Poster presented at the 2023 SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity fair.
We have assembled a small research telescope which we have located on the roof of the physics building. With the help of the SWOSU Physical Plant and IT department we have access to power and ethernet ports allowing the telescope to be accessed from the Internet. The telescope and its cameras are controlled by a ZWO ASIAIR Plus computer, which can be programmed from an app on a smart phone. This allows students to program the telescope and camera in the early evening and have the images taken overnight, obviating the need for the student to stay up late at the observatory. We are in the process of assembling a second such telescope, which will provide a much narrower field of view. We are using these telescopes for astrophotography, photometry, variable star observing, and other astrophysical applications.
SWOSU Research, Research fair, Telescopes, Astronomy, Computer programming