Winter 2023
From the President
Dear Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) alumni, emeriti, & friends –
I hope that this issue of Echoes From The Hill finds you and yours well. Here on the SWOSU Hilltop we are reflecting on a year of enrollment growth and significant accomplishments. We are looking forward to reaching new heights in the year ahead.
In these pages you will be able to learn about many great things happening here at SWOSU! This past summer we broke ground on the Jerry & Margaret Hodge Center for Pharmacy & Rural Health. This was the first groundbreaking for an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) project in the entire state of Oklahoma. Hodge Center will enable SWOSU’s healthcare programs in Nursing and Allied Health to substantially increase capacity while significantly enhancing the university’s pharmacy doctoral program. Additionally, Hodge Center will also expand the community health services of the SWOSU Center for Rural Health which benefits communities and businesses throughout our state.
You will also read about the newest inductees into the SWOSU Athletic Hall of Fame as well as updates on the many exciting things our graduates are doing in the workplace and in their communities. Truly, it is always a great day to be a SWOSU Bulldog.
For your investment, your involvement, and your input – we thank you. Keep close, keep in touch, and GO DAWGS!
Diana R. “Diane” Lovell, PhD
President, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Winter 2023
Southwestern Oklahoma State University Office of Institutional Advancement and Alumni