Presenter Information

Chip Crane


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Minneapolis, Minnesota

Document Type


Event Website

Start Date

3-8-2024 4:30 PM

End Date

3-8-2024 5:20 PM


Boromir’s last words to Aragorn are, “I have failed.” But his final gesture as he dies a few seconds later is a smile. Between the two moments, generating this final expression, are Aragorn’s words reassuring Boromir that he has gained a victory and that Minas Tirith shall stand. What emotions are we to infer from this smile? Tolkien’s choice of this ending for one of his most complex characters touches on a larger theme of joy in the midst of the horrors of war in The Lord of the Rings and the legendarium of the Silmarillion. In this paper I will explore the implications of Boromir’s final moment along with other expressions of a positive emotion in the face of “the long defeat” of Tolkien’s world.


Aug 3rd, 4:30 PM Aug 3rd, 5:20 PM

Boromir’s Smile and Other Expressions of Wartime Joy in Tolkien

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Boromir’s last words to Aragorn are, “I have failed.” But his final gesture as he dies a few seconds later is a smile. Between the two moments, generating this final expression, are Aragorn’s words reassuring Boromir that he has gained a victory and that Minas Tirith shall stand. What emotions are we to infer from this smile? Tolkien’s choice of this ending for one of his most complex characters touches on a larger theme of joy in the midst of the horrors of war in The Lord of the Rings and the legendarium of the Silmarillion. In this paper I will explore the implications of Boromir’s final moment along with other expressions of a positive emotion in the face of “the long defeat” of Tolkien’s world.


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