Presenter Information

Michael A. Torregrossa


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Minneapolis, Minnesota

Document Type


Event Website

Start Date

5-8-2024 10:00 AM

End Date

5-8-2024 10:50 AM


The character of Merlin from the Arthurian tradition is a figure that exists between two worlds: the mundane and the

marvelous. He participates in the daily affairs of Camelot, but he is also an otherworldly figure, both demon born and divinely blessed. In modern Arthuriana, adapters have focused much on Merlin’s demonic side though creators alter and/or transform his heritage in unique ways. One set of texts occurs within what I have termed the Monstrous Matter of Britain. Merlin (because of his origins) has an important role within this subtradion. However, there are some interesting works that chose to ignore his beginnings yet still position Merlin on the side of monsters. It is these stories that I’d like to explore. They include the film Son of Dracula; the television series Mini-Monsters (from The Comic Strip), Darkstalkers, and Ultimate Book of Spells; and the Halloweentown telefilm series. Each of these position Merlin within the realm of monsters without treating his origins, a development that seems to present a further strategy for adapting his start for mass audiences.


Aug 5th, 10:00 AM Aug 5th, 10:50 AM

Merlin in the Middle? The Status of Merlin within the Monstrous Matter of Britain

Minneapolis, Minnesota

The character of Merlin from the Arthurian tradition is a figure that exists between two worlds: the mundane and the

marvelous. He participates in the daily affairs of Camelot, but he is also an otherworldly figure, both demon born and divinely blessed. In modern Arthuriana, adapters have focused much on Merlin’s demonic side though creators alter and/or transform his heritage in unique ways. One set of texts occurs within what I have termed the Monstrous Matter of Britain. Merlin (because of his origins) has an important role within this subtradion. However, there are some interesting works that chose to ignore his beginnings yet still position Merlin on the side of monsters. It is these stories that I’d like to explore. They include the film Son of Dracula; the television series Mini-Monsters (from The Comic Strip), Darkstalkers, and Ultimate Book of Spells; and the Halloweentown telefilm series. Each of these position Merlin within the realm of monsters without treating his origins, a development that seems to present a further strategy for adapting his start for mass audiences.


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