Presenter Information

Alicia Fox-Lenz


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Minneapolis, Minnesota

Document Type


Event Website

Start Date

2-8-2024 4:30 PM

End Date

2-8-2024 5:20 PM


The Legend of Zelda franchise commonly uses alternate dimensions or worlds in its storytelling. These dimensions are often tied to darkness — being a place where evil waits, gathering strength, or a sister-world that has fallen to evil and needs liberation — providing the hero, Link, with the primary conflict driving his adventure. Alongside these larger worlds that provide conflict, there exist smaller dimensions, liminal spaces where Link and a small cast of other heroic characters are brought for physical and spiritual maturation. We will discuss how these liminal spaces function as doors through which the player as Link crosses the threshold of the hero’s journey, how these interludes reinforce Link’s journey as coming of age narrative, and how the varying levels of interactivity present in these liminal spaces promotes or impedes player enmeshment with Link, and the effect of that enmeshment on the player’s experience of the narrative.


Aug 2nd, 4:30 PM Aug 2nd, 5:20 PM

Sealed in the Sacred Realm: Coming of Age in the Liminal Spaces of Hyrule

Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Legend of Zelda franchise commonly uses alternate dimensions or worlds in its storytelling. These dimensions are often tied to darkness — being a place where evil waits, gathering strength, or a sister-world that has fallen to evil and needs liberation — providing the hero, Link, with the primary conflict driving his adventure. Alongside these larger worlds that provide conflict, there exist smaller dimensions, liminal spaces where Link and a small cast of other heroic characters are brought for physical and spiritual maturation. We will discuss how these liminal spaces function as doors through which the player as Link crosses the threshold of the hero’s journey, how these interludes reinforce Link’s journey as coming of age narrative, and how the varying levels of interactivity present in these liminal spaces promotes or impedes player enmeshment with Link, and the effect of that enmeshment on the player’s experience of the narrative.


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