"Volume 95 Issue 18" by Southwestern Oklahoma State University



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Editorial Staff

Editor-in-Chief................................Emily Schimmel

News Editor.....................................Latia French

Features and Sports Editors.............Brandon Berry, Elizabeth Stafford, and Zach Sullivan

Advertising Manager........................Scott Martin

Advertising Representative..............Ashley Kehl

Photographers...................................Buck Guest and Jesse Sierra

Writing Staff......................................Thamer Al-Jarrah, Jeremy Anderson, Arianna Bedell, Shari Benton, Ryan Bergman, Morgan Brown, Lindsey Carroll, Dena Clay, Philip Coker Jr., Mitch Craiger, Donna Drinnon, Aaron Fisher, Devin Huber, Krysal Jepsen, Mikel Jones, Bryan Justice, Marcel Justin, Sarah Kremeier, Melissa Mayfield, Erika McDaniel, Nick Muller, Kylie North, Mindi Shepherd, Nicole Tittle, Sarah Unruh, and Leslee Yount

Editing Staff.......................................Jennifer Ballew, Arianna Bedell, Dena Clay, Donna Drinnon, Aaron Fisher, Susan Hildreth, Devin Huber, Lacey Johnson, Gay Jones, Joy Lierle, Ashley Roach, Adrienne Weaver, Shelly Welborn, and Natalie West

Publication Date



southwestern oklahoma state University, swosu, newspapers

Volume 95 Issue 18



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