Westview is published semiannually by the Language Arts Department of Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Publications include previously unpublished short fiction, poetry, prose poems, creative nonfiction, and artwork. We accept submissions year-round and support emerging writers and artists. Electronic submissions only. To help facilitate the journal’s blind review process, authors should exclude identification information from manuscripts. Subscriptions for two years (four issues): $15 in the United States; $25 out of country. Single issues: $6 including postage; $5 if not mailed. Checks are to be made payable to Westview.
Current Issue: Volume 37, Issue 1 (2023) Spring
Full Issue
Westview: Vol. 37, Iss. 1 (Spring 2023)
Westview Staff
That Agnostic Boy
Chandler White
Meeting Lisa
Norbert Kovacs
Vivia Thomas
Edward Moroney
L'attesa ("The Wait," a Covid-19 story)
Fabrizia Faustinella
Elevator Operators and Pilots
David Burns
Ring Around the Roses
Maggie Logan
Escape From Codependence Castle
James B. Nicola
Isaac: The Binding
Richard Brostoff
Blues Cast
John Zedolik
The Altered World
Richard Brostoff
Eve's Nostalgia
Richard Brostoff
After Eden
Richard Brostoff
Bright Yellow
Donna Emerson
- Co-Editor
- Amanda Smith
- Co-Editor
- Nolan Meditz
- Publication Assistant
- Sydney Graves
- Art Director
- Angela Keeler
- Graphic Design Assistant
- Abigail Carli