Volume 9, Issue 1 (1989) Fall
Full Issue
In Search of Daha's Grave
Dale Hill
Karen Graves Goffinet
Grandma Called it Decoration Day
Karen Young
Cheyenne Memories
Pat Kourt
Memorial Day
Imogene Barger
The Butler Cemetery: Evidence of a Community That Cares
Eulalie Ann Nail
Parkersburg Cemetery
Ida Vowell Robertson
Clinton Indian Cemetery
Mary E. Smith
The Forgotten Ones
Wenona L. Dunn
The Erick Cemetery
Margie Snowden North
Johnson Indian Cemetery
Imogene Barger
Voices of Identity
Janet Fountain
Surrounded by Cedars
Kate Jackson Lewis
Gone and Partly Forgotten
Karen Huddleston
Search in Unexpected Places
Margie Cooke Porteus
Epitaph / Of Oak and Innocence
Lynn Riggs
Indian Graveyard
Mary E. Smith
Propping Up the Tombstone / Brief Glory
Glen V. McIntyre
Chimney's and Tulips
Vesta-Nadine Severs
Silent City
Marion Dodson
The Awakening / Thoughts of Life and Death
Rachel A. Glennie and Darrell Sage
The Ultimate Reunion
Richard F. Hay
Late Summer in Oklahoma
Marj McAlister
Abandoned Farm House
Margie Snowden North
Meditations at the Grave of a Young Girl
George L. Hoffman
The Granite Lens
Sam Lackey

- Publisher
- Dan Dill
- Editor
- Leroy Thomas
- Assistant Editor
- Roger Bromert
- Assistant Editor
- Jeanne Ellinger
- Art Director
- J Don Wood