The Mythic Circle solicits original fantasy-inspired stories and poems from the membership of the Mythopoeic Society and from the larger world. We are also looking for original visual art contributions in the form of jpeg or other suitable file formats.
As a small online literary magazine, The Mythic Circle is published electronically by the Mythopoeic Society, an organization which celebrates the work of J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and Charles Williams. These innovative writers drew upon the rich imaginative tradition of fantasy literature stretching from Homer to H. G. Wells, and they returned fantasy to a respectable place in adult literature.
The Mythic Circle exists primarily for the benefit of writers and artists (to whom we refer collectively as "Authors") trying to develop their craft in the mythic tradition. Regarding length limits, the editors must think very well of a contribution more than 5000 words long to publish it. By editorial policy, we favor our subscribers.
The editors look mostly for original work by authors following the mythic tradition; this can include a certain amount of commentary and allusion to the works of other mythic authors (though such allusions and commentary are not necessary). However, the editors do not wish to see "fan fiction” such as stories that make use of characters, settings, or images from works by living or recent authors or artists or any works still under copyright.
Submissions and letters of comment should be e-mailed to
As a small literary and arts publication, we do not pay cash for contributions. The copyright for works published in The Mythic Circle remains with the author or artist, except for the specific rights given for publication in The Mythic Circle, for future reprints of a particular issue in print or electronic (including online) formats, and for distribution of The Mythic Circle to third party database partners. Artists can request that a watermark be placed upon the digital image in the SWOSU archive, but such watermarks must be specifically requested or they may not be inserted.
For more information, check the society’s website at
Current Issue: Issue 46 (2024)
Editors’ Introductions
Greetings, Subscribers, Contributors, and Readers, All, and welcome to the 2024 edition (issue #46) of The Mythic Circle, the creative writing publication of The Mythopoeic Society. With this issue, we continue the 37-year-long tradition (since 1987) of providing The Mythic Circle as a publishing outlet for members of The Mythopoeic Society and for writers and artists in the general public.
Dave's Birthday
J. Brice Odom
Loyal to the Earth
David Sparenberg
The Magician's Box
Lawrence Buentello
Seek Strength
Ella Walsworth-Bell
An Ocean Away
Adam Levine
To the Red Beacons
Nicole Ai
The Reluctant Monk: A Mythopoeic Version
Andoni Cossio
How the Moons Came to Be
Mary Johnson
All In: A Loki and Sigyn Tale
Danielle Krikorian
Mushroom People
Eleanor Farrell
You Mustn't Disquiet the Fauna
Jared Bentley
The War-Forge
David Ehrenman
The Moon Makes a Mockery
Kevan Kenneth Bowkett
Jacob Bier
The Minotaur
Robert Thomas
The Craftman's Bane
S. R. Horgan
Melody of the Deep
David Ehrenman
Grandmother Anna
Kenneth Burtness
Dragon's Rest
Daniel J. Pool
Echo Still
Jon Heggestad
The Stone Circle at Avebury, England
Dave Shortt
Watermill Cove
Ella Walsworth-Bell
A Circle of Dragons (conclusion)
A. J. Prufrock