Mythlore is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal published by the Mythopoeic Society that focuses on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and the genres of myth and fantasy.
Mythlore was founded in 1969 by the late Glen GoodKnight, Founder of the Mythopoeic Society. He edited its first 84 issues, with the exception of issues 18–23, which were edited by Gracia Fay Ellwood. In its early years, Mythlore was a “fanzine” that, in addition to scholarly articles, columns, and book and media reviews, included a great deal of art work, poetry, and other creative work. Over the years, the articles became more and more exclusively scholarly, and the creative work and fiction reviews moved to sister publications like Mythprint and Mythic Circle. When Dr. Theodore Sherman of Middle Tennessee State University assumed the editorship with issue #85 in 1999, Mythlore completed its transformation into a refereed scholarly journal publishing only articles and reviews. At that time, its format also changed from 8½” x 11” to 6½” x 9”. Janet Brennan Croft, currently of the University of Northern Iowa, became editor in 2006 and switched to a double-issue format with issue #93/94. The journal was published in two double issues per year, in approximately April and November through Spring 2013. In Fall 2013 the double issue numbering was dropped starting with issue #123, and electronic subscriptions became available for individuals.
Current Issue: Volume 43, Number 1 #145, Fall/Winter 2024 (2024)
Editorial Introduction
Fantasy, Colonialism, and the Middle Landscape
Brian Attebery
The Catholic Imaginations of J.R.R. Tolkien and Oscar Wilde
Frazier A. Johnson
The Wart, the Wizard, and the Cathedral: Applying C.S. Lewis's Intertextuality Theory to T.H. White and J.K. Rowling
G. Connor Salter
“The Company at St. Anne’s” and “The God’s Gardeners”: What C.S. Lewis and Margaret Atwood Teach Us about Caring for Our Planet
Anne-Frédérique Mochel-Caballero
Tolkien the Playwright: Manuscript Revisions and Faërian Dramas in "The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth"
Anna Smol
The Rhetoric of Temporality in C.S. Lewis’s Works: A Study of Time in Mere Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia
Lorraine Nasser
The Inconsistencies of Galadriel: The Influence of Earlier Legendarium in The Lord of the Rings
Alexander Retakh
Notes and Letters
A Bleak, Barren Take: A Response to “Women and Fertility in The Lord of the Rings”
Clare Moore and Leah Hagan
Tolkien’s Lúthien: From Life to Art to Life as Art
Verlyn Flieger
"I'm Studying Beowulf with Beowulf Himself"
Matthew Thompson-Handell
Friar Jack, The Science-Fiction Apologist: Exploring “The Friar of Oxford” by William Lindsay Gresham
G. Connor Salter and Sørina Higgins
Book Reviews
The Wizard of Mecosta: Russell Kirk, Gothic Fiction, and the Moral Imagination, by Camilo Peralta
G. Connor Salter
The Literary Role of History in the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien, by Nicholas Birns
María Fernández Portaencasa
Many Times and Many Places: C.S. Lewis and the Value of History, by K. Alan Snyder and Jamin Metcalf
Landon Loftin
The Major and the Missionary: Letters of Warren Hamilton Lewis and Blanche Biggs, edited by Diana Pavlac Glyer
Bruce R. Johnson
The Phantomwise Tarot and Guidebook, by Erin Morgenstern
Emily E. Auger
Pity, Power, and Tolkien’s Ring: To Rule the Fate of Many, by Thomas P. Hillman
Giovanni Carmine Costabile
Science, Technology, and Magic in The Witcher: A Medievalist Spin on Modern Monsters, by Kristine Larsen
Amber Lehning
Tolkien's Faith: A Spiritual Biography, by Holly Ordway, and C.S. Lewis: Spirituality for Mere Christians, by William Griffin
Martina Juričková
What Barfield Thought: An Introduction to the Work of Owen Barfield, by Landon Loftin and Max Leyf
Katherine Sas
A Guidebook to Monsters: Philosophy, Religion, and the Paranormal, by Ryan J. Stark
Mark A. Brians II
Occidental Mythology (The Masks of God, Volume 3), by Joseph Campbell
Phillip Fitzsimmons
Briefly Noted

- Janet Brennan Croft, University of Northern Iowa
- Phillip Fitzsimmons, Administrator of Mythlore and Society Archives, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- Sarah Gail Croft
- Katherine Joyce
- Verlyn Flieger, University of Maryland, College Park
- Charles Huttar, Hope College
- Peter J. Schakel, Hope College
- Rev. John W. Houghton, The Hill School, Pottstown
- Douglas A. Anderson, Independent Scholar
- Donna R. White, Arkansas Tech University
- Christopher Vaccaro, University of Vermont
- Robin Anne Reid, Independent Scholar
- James Prothero, Independent Scholar