About This Journal | Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature | Mythopoeic Society | Southwestern Oklahoma State University

About This Journal

Mythlore is published as a free open access journal with no embargo period. We also publish full issues in electronic and paper formats for individual purchase or subscription. Mythlore does not charge any author fees for publication. Copyright in individual essays, reviews, artwork, and other material is held by the creator of that material, and they retain all rights to approve of any further use of their material outside of publication in Mythlore. Please contact the individual authors (or request contact information from the editors) for reprint, translation, and other rights requests.

For the publishing history of Mythlore and to order copies, please visit:

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We accept a limited number of ads, generally only from publishers of books relevant to our readers. For current advertising rates, contact the editor at mythlore@mythsoc.org. Ads appear in the print and electronic versions of the journal but are generally not reproduced in the online repository version. Journals on related topics are welcome to contact the editor about exchange ads.

Mythlore Index

The Mythlore Index Plus, a downloadable and searchable PDF, is free of charge and can be downloaded from the link on the left. The Mythlore Index Plus not only includes abstracts and indexing for all articles and reviews published in Mythlore through the most current issue, but also all issues of the Tolkien Journal, published Mythcon Conference Proceedings, and book-length publications of the Mythopoeic Press. Articles are indexed by author and subject, and reviews by author. The index is illustrated with classic black and white artwork from early issues by Tim Kirk and Sarah Beach. This essential reference in mythopoeic studies is updated within a few weeks after the publication of each Mythlore issue or new Mythopoeic Press book, and will be announced on our website and social media sites when available. Abstracts attached to articles in this archive are frequently from the index, written by Edith Crowe or Janet Croft, and used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.

Indexed in

Mythlore is fully indexed in MLA International Bibliography, JSTOR, ATLA, and Expanded Academic ASAP, and partially indexed in other titles in the EBSCO, ProQuest, and Gale families. It is abstracted in the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature and Bibliographic Index. The full text of Mythlore from 2002 onward is available in several Gale databases and from 2006 onward in several EBSCOHost and Chadwyck-Healey databases, and from the first issue in JSTOR and ATLA. It also has been indexed but dropped at different times by several other current indexes, including Arts and Humanities Citation Index and Current Contents, as well as by some indexes which no longer publish, such as Abstracts of English Studies and Children’s Literature Abstracts. However, since none of these services indexes or abstracts the entire run of Mythlore, nor do they index at the level of subject specificity our readers would find most helpful, we felt that creating our own index was an essential service for scholars and readers of mythopoeic literature.
