Issue 5 (1988)
Mythic Circle #5
Lynn Maudlin and Christine Lowentrout
Letters of Comment
Gwenyth E. Hood, Jefferson P. Swycaffer, Mary Ann Hodge, Sarah Beach, Quintain Wormwood, Judith B. Jones, Janet P. Reedman, Angelee Sailer Anderson, Pat Reynolds, Adam Knecht, and Frances Garland
The Lonely Maiden
Janet P. Reedman
The Trees of Elfhame
Janet P. Reedman
Rowing In Circles Again
Jefferson P. Swycaffer
Courtship and Consummation
Angelee Sailer Anderson
Clement's Tale for Nika
Angelee Sailer Anderson
The Bone Castle
Janet P. Reedman
Inside the Fairy Tale: Will He or Won't He?
Gwenyth E. Hood
Gipsy Davey
Charles de Lint

- Lynn Maudlin
- Christine Lowentrout