"Mythcon 11 - Joy in the Great Dance" by The Mythopoeic Society

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Guest of Honor - Glen GoodKnight

Without Glen GoodKnight there would be no Mythopoeic Society. An overstatement? Consider the following: Glen founded the Society in 1967, was actively involved in forming the first 6-8 branches in Southern California, as well as in organizing Mythcons I through VII. He is a past editor of Mythlore, the Society's journal, and will be the next full-time editor, starting with Issue XXV. Mythcon regulars know that he has led opening processions and conducted auctions with imperturbable flair. Glen's comment that "The Mythopoeic Society has been a very important part of my life" is a masterpiece of understatement.


Mythcon 11

July 25-28, 1980 - University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada

Joy in the Great Dance

Glen GoodKnight, guest of honor



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