The Mythopoeic Society’s annual conference, popularly called "Mythcon," has historically been held at a college or university campus in late July or early August. Each conference is constructed around a theme related to Inklings studies and/or fantastic and mythic literature. Each conference also features an author and a scholar guest of honor.
This is a collection of the program books from these conferences, with the exception of Mythcon 5, 1974, and Mythcon 9, in 1978. Programs for these Mythcons are not available to scann and upload to the repository.
Submissions from 2024
Mythcon 53 - Fantasies of the Middle Lands, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2023
Online Midsummer Seminar (OMS #2) "Fantasy Goes to Hell", The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2022
Mythcon 52 - The Mythic, the Fantastic, and the Alien, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2021
Mythcon 51 - A Virtual “Halfling” Mythcon, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2019
Mythcon 50 - Moving Forward, Looking Back, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2018
Mythcon 49 - On the Shoulders of Giants, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2017
Mythcon 48 - All That Is Gold, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2016
Mythcon 47 - Faces of Mythology: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2015
Mythcon 46 - The Arthurian Mythos, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2014
Mythcon 45 - Where Fantasy Fits, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2013
Mythcon 44 - Green and Growing: The Land and Its Inhabitants in Fantasy, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2012
Mythcon 43 - Across the Continents: Myths and legends from Europe and Asia meet and mingle, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2011
Mythcon 42 - Monsters, Marvels, and Minstrels: The Rise of Modern Medievalism, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2010
Mythcon 41 - War in Heaven, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2009
Mythcon 40 - Sailing the Seas of Imagination, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2008
Mythcon 39 - The Valkyrie and the Goddess: The Warrior Woman in Fantasy, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2007
Mythcon 38 - Becoming Adept: The Journey to Mastery, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2006
Mythcon 37 - The Map & The Territory: Maps and Landscapes in Fantasy, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2005
50 Years of The Lord of the Rings - Mythcon 36, The Tolkien Society and The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2004
Mythcon 35 - Bridges to Other Worlds: Thirty-five Years of Mythopoeic Scholarship, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2003
Mythcon 34 - From Athena to Galadriel: The Image of the Wise Woman in Mythopoeic Fiction, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2002
Mythcon 33 - A Midsummer Night's Dream: Shakespeare and Fantasy, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2001
Mythcon 32 - Many Dimensions: Modern Supernatural Fiction, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 2000
Mythcon 31 - Myth and Legend of the Pacific, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1999
Mythcon 30 - Bree & Beyond: Exploring the Fantasy Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien and His Fellow Travelers, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1998
Mythcon 29 - C.S. Lewis: A Centenary Celebration, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1997
Mythcon 28 - J.R.R. Tolkien: The Achievement of His Literary Life, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1996
Mythcon 27 - The Inklings and Nature: Magic in the Mountains, Wonder in the Woods, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1995
Mythcon 26 - Fairies in the Garden, Monsters at the Mall: Fantasy in the World Around Us, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1994
Mythcon 25 - The Language of Myth, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1993
Mythcon 24 - Down the Hobbit-hole & Through the Wardrobe: Fantasy in Children's Literature, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1992
The J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference 1992 - Mythcon 23, The Tolkien Society and The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1991
Mythcon 22 - The Hero Cycle: Archetypes in Fantasy Literature, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1990
Mythcon 21 - Aspects of Love in Fantasy, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1989
Mythcon 20 - Mythic Elements in Fantasy, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1988
Mythcon 19 - Legends for a New Land: Fantasy in America, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1987
Mythcon 18 - Looking Back From Weathertop: A Fifty Years' Retrospective on The Hobbit, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1986
Mythcon 17 - The Daughters of Beatrice: Women in Fantasy, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1985
Mythcon 16 - A Kinship of Dancers: Interplay in the Lives and Works of Lewis, Tolkien, and Williams, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1984
Mythcon 15 - The Wood Between the Worlds, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1983
Mythcon 14 - Mythic Structures in Tolkien, Lewis, and Williams, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1982
Mythcon 13 - "Celtic Con": The Celtic Influence on Fantasy Literature, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1981
Mythcon 12 - A Festival in Faerie, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1980
Mythcon 11 - Joy in the Great Dance, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1979
Mythcon 10 - "The Silmarillicon", The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1978
Mythcon 9 - "DeryniCon", The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1977
Mythcon 8 - The "Lesser" Works of J.R.R. Tolkien, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1976
Mythcon 7 - Arthurian Elements in Williams, Lewis, and Tolkien, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1975
Mythcon 6 - The Fictional Worlds of C.S. Lewis, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1974
Mythcon 5 - The MabinogiCon: Celtic and Welsh Influence in Mythopoeic Literature, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1973
Mythcon 4, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1972
Mythcon 3 (Westercon 25), The Mythopoeic Society and Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society
Submissions from 1971
Mythcon 2, The Mythopoeic Society
Submissions from 1970
Mythcon 1, The Mythopoeic Society