"Mythcon 52 - The Mythic, the Fantastic, and the Alien" by The Mythopoeic Society

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To work toward being stewards of a more sustainable world, the Mythcon 52 Organizing Committee has chosen to promote digital materials and print only a few hard copy versions of our program book that will be for sale during the conference. Paper, ink, printing press machinery, and other resources involved in producing materials we can hold in our hands damage the world around us. As much as we love physical items for their representations of experiences, our Mythcon 52 organizers think many of the authors we love and admire would appreciate our desire to reduce our environmental impact on the world around us and preserve resources so that future generations can continue to take part in Mythcons. Since we recognize that some attendees may be less able to navigate digital versions of materials, we will have committee members and volunteers available at the Registration table willing to assist attendees who want to use our free digital materials throughout Mythcon 52 and help us be better stewards of the natural world.


Mythcon 52

July 29 - August 1, 2022 - Albuquerque, NM

The Mythic, the Fantastic, and the Alien

Rivera Sun, David Bratman, guests of honor



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