Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 8-5-2023


FANTASY GOES TO HELL was originally intended to be our 2023 Midwinter Seminar, but our plans for an in-person Mythcon in 2023 fell through, and the topic proved to be so popular it strained the resources we had available for a seminar. Hence we proposed that we expand the seminar into what we have previously called a “Halfling Mythcon”—a virtual Mythcon taking the place of an in-person one.

FANTASY GOES TO HELL will run in parallel with general virtual conference tracks devoted to other topics in Mythopoeic Fantasy, such as presentations by award nominees and traditional after-hours programming. The 2023 Online Midsummer Seminar will also include the presentation of the annual Mythopoeic Society Awards and Alexei Kondratiev Student Paper Award on Sunday morning.



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