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Michael A. Torregrossa


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Start Date

8-5-2023 1:00 PM

End Date

8-5-2023 1:50 PM


The Arthurian figure of Merlin has a long literary history, but he never seems able to shake off the effects of his parentage. In medieval tradition, Merlin is sired by inhuman powers: first a seemingly benign dæmon and then a decidedly wicked demon. This preternatural aspect to his conception grants Merlin the skills and powers he uses to support the realm, yet it also taints him as someone potentially dangerous. Although Merlin’s background cannot be changed, creative artists often choose to ignore or alter his origins, especially when retelling his story for mass audiences. In contrast, other creators, usually those producing work for more niche markets, have more frequently accepted and/or embraced Merlin’s dark side. Like film and television, the comics industry has explored both of these strategies, and the medium has proffered innovative approaches to the origins of Merlin that deserve further attention.


1:00 PM—1:50 Eastern
12:00 Noon—12:50 PMCentral
11:00 AM—11:50 Mountain
10:00 AM—10:50 Pacific
5:00 PM—5:50 GMT


Aug 5th, 1:00 PM Aug 5th, 1:50 PM

From Hell (or Not): Representations of Merlin and His Origins in the Comics

The Arthurian figure of Merlin has a long literary history, but he never seems able to shake off the effects of his parentage. In medieval tradition, Merlin is sired by inhuman powers: first a seemingly benign dæmon and then a decidedly wicked demon. This preternatural aspect to his conception grants Merlin the skills and powers he uses to support the realm, yet it also taints him as someone potentially dangerous. Although Merlin’s background cannot be changed, creative artists often choose to ignore or alter his origins, especially when retelling his story for mass audiences. In contrast, other creators, usually those producing work for more niche markets, have more frequently accepted and/or embraced Merlin’s dark side. Like film and television, the comics industry has explored both of these strategies, and the medium has proffered innovative approaches to the origins of Merlin that deserve further attention.


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