Volume 17, Issue 2 (1998) Spring/Summer
Full Issue
Jack-o'-lantern Moon
Lance Hawvermale
The Red Mule
Thomas Dobbs
An Excerpt from The Mythmakers
George L. Hoffman
Interview with Walter McDonald
Fred Alsberg
Wishing for More than Thunder
Walter McDonald
A Woman Acquainted with the Night
Walter McDonald
Uncle Earl's Wind River Ranch
Walter McDonald
All the Old Songs
Walter McDonald
Donna, Donna
Robert Lietz
With Apologies for Yet Another Icarus Poem
Ann A. Boger
I'm Never Sure What to Expect From a Marriage
Joan Cusack Handler
Afternoon at Chloe's
Roger Soffer
The Country
Kristopher Standley
Past Catalpa
Edward C. Lynskey
Styx and Stones
Stuart J. Silverman
Landscape with birds
Eileen Hennessy
Desert Dawn
James Vink
John Sprockett Finds Shelter for Himself and Sophia Starling from a Sudden Snowstorm
Robert Cooperman
Sophia Starling, Trapped with John Sprockett by a Blizzard
Robert Cooperman
During a Blizzard, John Sprockett Tells Sophia Starling of Sylvia Williams' Start in the Boarding House Business
Robert Cooperman
Sophia Starling: Diary Entry
Robert Cooperman
Untitled Drawing by Bobby Ayila
Bobby Ayila
Untitled Illustration by Brent Johnson
Brent Johnson
Untitled Illustration by Norman Taber
Norman Taber
Westview Staff
- Publisher
- Dan Dill
- Editor
- Fred Alsberg
- Assistant Editor
- Joyce Stoffers
- Copy Editor
- C. Michael McKinney
- Ad Sales Manager
- Rhonda Stinson
- Editorial Assistant
- Amber Graham