Administrative Issues Journal | Journals | Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Administrative Issues Journal

Current Editors

Editor-in-Chief: Todd Wiggen, Ed.D.
Managing Editor: Erin Ridgeway
Research Editor: Veronica Aguiñaga, Ed.D.
Copy & Production Editor: Lauren Bamber, Ph.D.
Editor-at-Large & Account Manager: Roxanne Davis, Ph.D.
Editors-at-Large: Amanda Evert, Ph.D. Lisa Friesen, M.Ed.
Editor-at-Large/Assistant Research Editor: Marc Leonard, M.B.A.
Graduate Assistant: Nicole Nettles

Administrative Issues Journal is a university-based publication dedicated to expanding the knowledge of current issues in the theory and practice of Administration. Administrative Issues Journal provides a platform for the publication and promotion of viable blind-reviewed research, and is committed to the best practices of scholarly publishing in an open access (OA) environment.

The journal accepts articles with a disciplinary or topical anchor in the fields of Business, Health Care, Education, Public and Clinical Practice Administration inclusive of the fields of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medicine. This journal accepts quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodology studies.

We are specifically interested in articles that facilitate the development of interdisciplinary connections related to research, practice, and teaching. It is our goal that by juxtaposing contributions from diverse sources, scholarly connections will be made that will further insights and solutions to common issues faced in the theory and practice of Administration. Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, and Research.

Current Issue: Volume 12, Issue 2 (2022)


There are 2 Manuscripts in this Issue:
1. An Evolved Method of Reporting Retention by Major
2.Teachers’ and Principals’ Perceptions of Factors That Contribute to the Success of Blue-Ribbon Schools

Letter from Editor


Letter from the Editors
Administrative Issues Journal Editors



An Evolved Method of Reporting Retention by Major
Ronnie Fanguy, Ray Giguette, and Lori Richard