1st Annual Conference: Creating Opportunities 2011
As I have worked with our Editorial Board to complete our first issue of the Administrative Issues Journal (AIJ), my thoughts kept turning to the day in October 2009 when the idea first started to percolate. During a long car trip back from Kansas, Dr. Parker and I developed the mission that is the foundation for our current success: to expand the knowledge of current multidisciplinary issues in administration. The AIJ provides a platform for the publication and promotion of viable blind-reviewed research at small colleges and regional universities throughout the United States. This first issue is a culmination of that vision, and our editorial board is very proud of the end result.
As with all adventuresome ideas, there were many hurdles that had to be overcome to create this outlet for research. First, it takes a team to accomplish this type of endeavor. I want to give thanks to a dedicated Editorial Board: Patsy Parker, Kelly Moor, Trisha Wald and Lisa Appeddu. Without their hard work, this journal would not have become reality. Perhaps the hardest working members of our team are our student workers, Wendy Slater and Evan Jarrett. Their organizational skills, focus, and dedication have made this process much easier for all of us, and we are sincerely thankful. Of course, these are only a few of the individuals that have been instrumental in producing this inaugural edition.
Second, it is critical that university sponsorship be available. Southwestern Oklahoma State University has provided support, and we want to give special thanks to: Dr. Les Crall, Dr. Ken Rose, Dr. Blake Sonobe, Karen Wilson, Anjana Patel, and our talented graphic artist Kyle Wright. Special thanks to our Advisory Editorial Board, the reviewers who took time to select the articles for our first edition, and to the authors that put their work forward for consideration.
I hope that each of you will take pleasure in reading the first issue of the Administrative Issues Journal. Our goal is to e-publish two issues a year and sponsor one conference for discussion of research and networking with other researchers. We look forward to your feedback and hope to see you at our conference in October.
Tami Moser, Ph.D.
Letter From the Editor-in-Chief
Tami Moser
Graduate Student Perceptions of an Effective Online Class
Steve M. Bounds
Creating Opportunities: Gerontological Service Learning in a Community Practice Project
Cindy Brown, Rosalie Otters, and Carolyn Turturro
Anomalies in the System: Is a New Educational Paradigm Upon Us?
Ed Cunliff and John Barthell
A Comparative Analysis of Cultural Competence in Beginning and Graduating Nursing Students
Deborah Davenport, Helen Reyes, and Lance Hadley
Designing and Implementing Two-way, Dual Language Programs: Issues to Consider
April Haulman and Regina Lopez
The Leadership Triad: Identity, Integrity, Authenticity
David Henderson
Testing the Efficacy of Self-Affirmation in Improving Student Performance in a Business Law Course
Lynn M. Murray and Christine E. Fogliasso
Marketing Internships: The Role of Introspection in Students’ Satisfaction Reports
Flor Ornelas and Fernando Jiménez
Complexity, Knowledge and Structure: A Systemic Understanding of Organizational Learning
Justin D. Walton
Service-Learning as a Professional Development Tool
Lillian Wichinsky and Carolyn Turturro
Service Learning and Student Practitioners: Contextual Learning and Portfolio Building
Dana Moore Gray
Leveraging the MBTI to Affect Change
MaryRose Hart
Novice Principals Need Peer Mentoring
Rosalinda Hernandez and Velma Menchaca
An Interprofessional Education Opportunity for Future Health Care Leaders
Denise Neill and Jere Hammer
Reengineering Hospital Systems
Uche Nwabueze
School Leadership’s Trials and Trails: A Hundred Leadership Paths Diverged, Intertwined and Bifurcated, Sometimes Coming Out At the Same Place
Charles R. Waggoner
Mentoring Post-Secondary Tenure-Track Faculty: A Theory-Building Case Study and Implications for Institutional Policy
Dannielle Joy Davis, Patricia Boyer, and Isela Russell
A Comparison of Urban, Suburban, and Rural Principal Leadership Skills by Campus Student Achievement Level
Susan Erwin, Pam Winn, and John Erwin
Creating Opportunities with Mentoring Relationships
Carrie J. Boden McGill
Workload and the Changing Health Care Environment
Denisse Neill
High School Students Embedded in Adult Community College Classes
Karen P. Saenz and George W. Moore
Revisiting the Arts in the No Child Left Behind Era
Patricia Simons