Administrative Issues Journal


Nancy B. Jones


The purpose of this study was to examine the factors contributing to a successful transition into the role of a new superintendency in Texas. A triangular designed mixed methodology with a convergence model was employed. The setting was urban, suburban, and rural school districts in Texas. The participants were superintendents of public school districts in Texas. Quantitative data were collected through the use of an electronic survey, while a focus group was conducted to collect the qualitative data. Participating superintendents indicated that the training and education they received had adequately prepared them for the role of a new superintendent and that school board relations were important during the entry period. Analysis of qualitative data resulted in three themes; namely, community, learning, and goals and expectations. In accordance with the convergence model, the quantitative and qualitative results were synthesized and discussed. Based on the results of the study, a need for additional professional development programs or emphasis in college and university programs on the entry period of the superintendency, negotiating the superintendent’s contract, writing an entry plan, and working with stake holders was indicated.



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