"Admission assessment: Linking a standardized admission exam to nursing" by Anita C. Reinhardt, Teresa Keller et al.
Administrative Issues Journal


This article reports the results of an academic program evaluation in which standardized admission test scores are compared to intermediate and final program outcomes. We used two intermediate program measures of progress-first semester nursing grades and performance on a standardized exit exam prior to graduation. Program final outcomes compared are student attrition and graduate nurses’ performance on the NCLEX-RN. The analysis resulted in identifying statistically significant relationships between entrance exam scores and first semester grades. Statistically significant relationships were seen between entrance exam scores and performance on a pre-graduation exit exam. There was a statistically significant relationship between entrance exam scores and NCLEX-RN pass rates. These results indicate that admission testing is a viable option for use as part of an admission process for baccalaureate nursing programs.



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