


You may wonder what has happened to this issue of Mythlore. This issue has been paid for by generous Benefactors who are well known to this Editor. Subscription money has not been used for this issue, nor will it count against the number of issues you have paid for by your subscription. All subscriptions will be updated one issue. Those who were due to expire with this issue, number 42, will expire with number 43 instead.

Why is this being done? For two reasons, the first to get to you final information on this year's Mythopoeic Conference, July 26-29, at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, If you haven't made definite plans yet to attend, do so now. By all means, this event should not be missed. For a much more detailed Progress Report write to Mythcon XVI, P.O. Box A3120, Chicago, IL 60690. This is the first full annual Mythopoeic Conference to be held in the Mid-West rather than the West Coast (California and Nevada), and I am eagerly looking forward to meeting many of you whom I have only known till now as names. The Program Schedule is excellent! Again, by all means, don't miss it.

The second reason for this special issue is to meet mailing requirements of the Post Office. The last issue had numerous delays with both the printer and mailing labels. After this issue we must publish and mail two more issues this year. This issue gives us the chance to catch up on our schedule, without penalty to you, and keep the Post Office content.

- Glen GoodKnight

Copyright held by Artist



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