

A plan to publish a joural representing the interests of the members of The Mythopoeic Society was announced in 1968 by the late Glen GoodKnight, who founded the society in 1967. Mythlore published its first issue on 3 January 1969, timed for J.R.R. Tolkien’s birthday. One early announcement of the journal appeared in Locus in late 1968:

It was inevitable that the Mythopoeic Society would start its own journal or fanzine. The name of this fanzine will be MYTHLORE. Glen Goodnight [sic] is editor, yours truly [Bernie Zuber] associate editor and art editor, and Tim Kirk associate art editor. Deadline for material is Nov. 30th. The first issue will contain an editorial and explanation of the society, a report of the Tolkien Society meeting at BAYCON, a report on the Bilbo/Frodo Birthday Party, an article on C.S. Lewis’ Theory of Mythology, an article entitled “Making The Lord of the Rings Into a Movie?”, an article on the social & literary relations between Tolkien, Lewis, and Williams, an introduction to Worlds of Fantasy, a couple of pages of photos relating to the society, and a report on C.S. Kilby’s visit to Southern California. Art by George Barr, Bg Callahan, Tim Kirk and myself. Mimeo (Electro stencils for art) and running approx. 50 pages. First issue price: 50¢. We are planning this as a quarterly. (Locus #12, 12 November 1968)

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