Volume 38, Number 1 Special issue on Children's Mythopoeic Literature (2019)
Guest edited by Donna White
Mythlore is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal published by the Mythopoeic Society that focuses on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and the genres of myth and fantasy. The full text of Mythlore from 2002 onward is available in several electronic databases from Gale, Ebsco, and ProQuest. Mythlore is also indexed in the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, the Modern Language Association International Bibliography (MLA), and other sources.
See the Aims and Scope for the statement of editorial purpose of the journal.
Editorial Introductions
Donna R. White
The Arch and the Keystone
Verlyn Flieger
Doubles at Work: The Three Rovers in J.R.R. Tolkien's Roverandom.
Jennifer Marchant
Pyramids in America: Rewriting the “Egypt of the West” in Rick Riordan’s The Kane Chronicles series
Heather K. Cyr
“What Man Am I?” The Hero’s Journey, the Beginning of Individuation, and Taran Wanderer
Liam Butchart
Blowing the Morte: The Rites of Manhood in William Rayner's Stag Boy
Christophe Van Eecke
Death, Hope, and Wholeness in Owen Barfield’s Fairy Tales
Tiffany Brooke Martin
Mythology in Children's Animation
David L. Emerson
Notes and Letters
In Memoriam: Jared Lobdell
Richard C. West
Extreme Minimalism in The Lord of the Rings
Pierre H. Berube
Book Reviews
The Lamp-Post of the Southern California C.S. Lewis Society
Janet Brennan Croft
Fantastic Creatures in Mythology and Folklore: From Medieval Times to Present Day by Juliette Wood
Tiffany Brooke Martin
H.P. Lovecraft: Selected Works, Critical Perspectives and Interviews on His Influence, edited by Leverett Butts
Perry Neil Harrison
The Fame of C.S. Lewis: A Controversialist's Reception in Britain and America by Stephanie L. Derrick
Chad Chisholm
War, Myths, and Fairy Tales, edited by Sara Buttsworth and Maartje Abbenhuis
Felicia Jean Steele
Marvelous Geometry: Narrative and Metafiction in Modern Fairy Tale by Jessica Tiffin
Felicia Jean Steele
The Pleasures of Metamorphosis: Japanese and English Fairy Tale Transformations of "The Little Mermaid" by Lucy Fraser
Bianca L. Beronio

- Janet Brennan Croft, Rutgers University
- Donna R. White, Arkansas Tech University
- Phillip Fitzsimmons, Administrator of Mythlore and Society Archives, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- Verlyn Flieger, University of Maryland, College Park
- Charles Huttar, Hope College
- Peter J. Schakel, Hope College
- Rev. John W. Houghton, The Hill School, Pottstown
- Richard C. West, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Donna R. White, Arkansas Tech University
- Christopher Vaccaro, University of Vermont