Volume 39, Number 2 (Number 138, Spring/Summer 2021; Ursula K. Le Guin Special Issue) (2021)
Editorial Introductions
Introduction to the Special Issue: The Art, the Craft, the Tale of Vision and Re-vision: Ursula K. Le Guin Shows the Way
Melanie A. Rawls
Aspects of Worldbuilding: Taoism as Foundational in Ursula K. Le Guin’s
Earthsea Saga
Dennis Friedrichsen
Magic, Witchcraft, and Faërie: Evolution of Magical Ideas in Ursula K. Le Guin’s
Earthsea Cycle
Oleksandra Filonenko
The Taoist Myths of Winter: Mythopoesis in The Left Hand of Darkness
Derance A. Rolim Filho
Who is There? Subjectivity, Transformation, and the Child’s Journey in
Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Tombs of Atuan
Meghann Cassidy
“Beware Her, the Day She Finds Her Strength!”: Tehanu and the Power of the
Marginalized to Affect Social Change in Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea Saga
Jon Alkorta Martiartu
The Four Deaths of Ged
John Rosegrant
The Practical Geography of Always Coming Home
David Bratman
Ursula’s Bookshelf
Kris Swank
Notes and Letters
Regarding “The ‘Polish Inkling,'"
David Bratman
In Memoriam: Richard C. West
Janet Brennan Croft
Book Reviews
Tolkien's Lost Chaucer by John M. Bowers
Joe R. Christopher
Crossing a Great Frontier: Essays on George MacDonald’s Phantastes, edited by
John Pennington
Tiffany Brooke Martin
Re-Enchanted: The Rise of Children’s Fantasy Literature in the Twentieth
Century by Maria Sachiko Cecire
T. S. Miller

- Janet Brennan Croft, University of Northern Iowa
- Melanie A. Rawls
- Phillip Fitzsimmons, Administrator of Mythlore and Society Archives, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- Verlyn Flieger, University of Maryland, College Park
- Charles Huttar, Hope College
- Peter J. Schakel, Hope College
- Rev. John W. Houghton, The Hill School, Pottstown
- Douglas A. Anderson, Independent Scholar
- Donna R. White, Arkansas Tech University
- Christopher Vaccaro, University of Vermont