Volume 42, Number 1 Fall/Winter 2023, #143 (2023)
Editorial Introduction
The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder of Frodo Baggins
Bruce D. Leonard
"It Is 'About' Nothing But Itself": Tolkienian Theology Beyond the Domination of the Author
Tom Emanuel
“Or Break It”: The Cost of Silmarils and Sworn Oaths
Alexander M. Bruce
"A Bleak, Barren Land": Women and Fertility in The Lord of the Rings
Dylan L. Henderson
Otherworldly but not the Otherworld: Tolkien’s Adaptation of Medieval Faerie and Fairies into a Sub-creative Elvendom
Elliott Thomas Collins
Mythos to Myth to Mythopoeia: A Cyclical Process
Ashna Mary Jacob and Nirmala Menon
Notes and Letters
"A Fearful Weapon"
Verlyn Flieger
The Sun, the Son, and the Silmarillion: Christopher Tolkien and the Copernican Revolution of Morgoth’s Ring
Kristine Larsen
On the Rings of Power: Thoughts Inspired by Larry Burriss's "Sentience and Sapience in the One Ring"
Nancy Martsch
Nine Tolkien Scholars Respond to Charles W. Mills’s “The Wretched of Middle-Earth: An Orkish Manifesto”
Robin Anne Reid, Bianca Beronio, Robert T. Tally, Cait Coker, Cami Agan, Robert Stuart, Charlotte Krausz, Tom Ue, and Helen Young
To the Editor
Charles (Chuck) Huttar
The C. S. Lewis Correspondence Project
Bruce R. Johnson
In Memoriam: Mike Foster
Janet Brennan Croft
Book Reviews
Inkling, Historian, Soldier, and Brother: A Life of Warren Hamilton Lewis by Don W. King
David Bratman
C. S. Lewis for Beginners by Louis Markos
Wendell Wagner
Jewish Fantasy Worldwide: Trends in Speculative Stories From Australia to Chile, edited by Valerie Estelle Frankel
Gabriel Salter
Tolkien Dogmatics: Theology through Mythology with the Maker of Middle-earth by Austin M. Freeman
Alex (Oleksiy) Ostaltsev
The Lion's Country: C.S. Lewis's Theory of the Real by Charlie W. Starr
Mark-Elliot Finley
Adapting Tolkien: Proceedings of The Tolkien Society Seminar 2020, edited by Will Sherwood
Alana White
East of the Wardrobe: The Unexpected Worlds of C.S. Lewis by Warwick Ball
Phillip Irving Mitchell
Sunbeams and Bottles: The Theology, Thought and Reading of C. S. Lewis by James Prothero
Suzanne Bray
Briefly Noted
The Fairy Tale World, edited by Andrew Teverson
Janet Brennan Croft

- Janet Brennan Croft, University of Northern Iowa
- Phillip Fitzsimmons, Administrator of Mythlore and Society Archives, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- Verlyn Flieger, University of Maryland, College Park
- Charles Huttar, Hope College
- Peter J. Schakel, Hope College
- Rev. John W. Houghton, The Hill School, Pottstown
- Douglas A. Anderson, Independent Scholar
- Donna R. White, Arkansas Tech University
- Christopher Vaccaro, University of Vermont
- Robin Anne Reid, Independent Scholar