Mythprint | Mythopoeic Society | Southwestern Oklahoma State University

Mythprint is the quarterly bulletin of the Mythopoeic Society, a nonprofit educational organization devoted to the study, discussion, and enjoyment of myth and fantasy literature, especially the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams. To promote these interests, the Society publishes three magazines, maintains a World Wide Web site, and sponsors the annual Mythopoeic Conference and awards for fiction and scholarship, as well as local discussion groups.

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Current Issue: Volume 61, Number 4 (2024) Mythprint Vol. 61, No. 4 - Whole No. 411 (500th Issue)

Thank you for reading this special issue commemorating the 500th Mythprint! As Phillip and David explain below, in the long and storied Mythprint history, early volumes did not have whole numbers, which is why we are only on issue #411, while also being on the 500th total.
