Administrative Issues Journal | Vol 4 | Iss 1
Administrative Issues Journal



We have arrived at Volume 4, Issue 1 of the Administrative Issues Journal, a milestone that —speaking as one of the founding board members—delights and inspires me. We have learned and grown so much since the AIJ began publication in 2009. Our board has transitioned from a small group of professors in Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s School of Business & Technology to professors representing two higher ed institutions, as well as several different colleges and departments. Only two original board members remain, but each new member has brought fresh talent and enthusiasm, filling an important niche and contributing to the journal’s evolution. How wonderful it is to cultivate professional relationships and friendships across campus and across the country! The more we diversify, the richer our collaborations on the journal become.

In fact, these collaborations will result in a significant change for 2014. This year, we will not be hosting an academic conference. This decision was not easily adopted because we have been pleased with the conferences we have produced thus far.

So, if something is good, why change it?

The answer is simply that there is always room for improvement and adaptation, and we are actively seeking new mechanisms for scholarly interaction. Therefore, in place of a conference this year, we will be branching out in a new direction, believing it will generate new and even more accessible options for professional development and networking. This opportunity will be unveiled soon, and we are certain it will elicit much interest. Stay tuned!

One thing that remains constant is our commitment to quality and the dissemination of knowledge. The AIJ editorial board continues to be impressed by the quality of the articles submitted to us for review and publication, and we extend our appreciation to those who contribute to this scholarly publication. You are important to us and to academia.


Patsy Parker
Managing Editor



The Targeted Open Online Course (TOOC) Model
Credence Baker and James Gentry


Stragegies for Attracting and Retaining Teachers
Paul Bland, Edwin Church, and Mingchu Luo


Perceptions of Preceptors and Students on the Importance of Writing
Tina T. Fields, Jeff J. Hatala, and Richard F. Nauert


Learning from the Past: Dual Credit
Nicole Mansell and Madeline Justice