Volume 21, Number 2 Issue 80, Winter (1996)
Proceedings of the J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference 1992
Proceedings for the Conference held at Keble College, Oxford, England.
17th-24th August 1992 to celebrate the centenary of the birth of
Professor J.R.R. Tolkien
Incorporating the 23rd Mythopoeic Conference (Mythcon XXIII) and Oxonmoot 1992.
Editorial Introduction
Opening Address
Christina Scull
Tolkien Centenary Banquet Address
Glen H. GoodKnight
Recollections of J.R.R. Tolkien
George Sayer
Publishing Tolkien
Rayner Unwin
Quid Hinieldus cum Christo? - New Perspectives on Tolkien's Theological Dilemma and his Sub-Creation Theory
Nils Ivar Agøy
Tolkien's Experiment with Time: The Lost Road, "The Notion Club Papers" and J.W. Dunne
Verlyn Flieger
An Anthropologist in Middle-earth
Virginia Luling
Frodo and his Spectre: Blakean Resonances in Tolkien
Charles E. Noad
An Overview Of the Northern Influences on Tolkien's Works
Gloriana St. Clair
Volsunga Saga and Narn: Some Analogies
Gloriana St. Clair
Tolkien's Revision of the Romantic Tradition
Chris Seeman
Tolkien as a Post-War Writer
Tom Shippey
Eating, Devouring, Sacrifice, and Ultimate Just Desserts
Marjorie Burns
The Moral Epiphanies in The Lord of the Rings
Joe R. Christopher
Tolkien as Reviser: A Case Study
Gloriana St. Clair
Open Minds, Closed Minds in The Lord of the Rings
Christina Scull
Aspects of the Fall in The Silmarillion
Eric Schweicher
The Growth of Grammar in the Elven Tongues
Christopher Gilson and Patrick Wynne
Tolkien's Dictionary Poetics: The Influence of the OED's Defining Style on Tolkien's Fiction
Dierdre Greene
Problems of Translating into Russian
Natalia Grigorieva
J.R.R. Tolkien and Old English Studies: An Appreciation
Bruce Mitchell
Tolkien and the Gawain-poet
Tom Shippey
How Russians See Tolkien
Vladimir Grushnetskiy
The Critical Response to Tolkien's Fiction
Wayne G. Hammond
Tolkien the Anti-totalitarian
Jessica Yates
Good Guys, Bad Guys, Fantasy and Reality
Helen Armstrong
The Realm of Faërie
Christine Barkley
Point of View in Tolkien
Christine Barkley
J.R.R. Tolkien and the Clerihew
Joe R. Christopher
Power in Arda: Sources, Uses and Misuses
Edith L. Crowe
Tolkien and Englishness
Chris Hopkins
A Mythology for England
Carl F. Hostetter and Arden R. Smith
A Tolkien Chronology
Nancy Martsch
Evil and the Evil One in Tolkien's Theology
Tadeusz Andrzej Olszański
Tolkien's Exceptional Visit to Holland: A Reconstruction
René van Rossenberg
A Mythology? For England?
Anders Stenström
Tolkien's Elvish Craft
Dwayne Thorpe
A Physics of Middle-earth
Jenny Coombs and Marc Read
Explorations into the Psyche of Dwarves
David A. Funk
The Geology of Middle-earth
William Antony Swithin Sarjeant
Writing and Allied Technologies in Middle-earth
Lester E. Simons
Hermetic Imagination: The Effect of The Golden Dawn on Fantasy Literature
Charles A. Coulombe
Tolkien, Sayers, Sex and Gender
David Doughan
Tolkien and the Other Inklings
Colin Duriez
More than a Bandersnatch: Tolkien as a Collaborative Writer
Diana Lynne Pavlac
"A Pattern Which Our Nature Cries Out For": The Medieval Tradition of the Ordered Four in the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien
Stephen Yandell
Baggins Remembered
John Ellison
The Mechanics of Dragons: An Introduction to The Study of their 'Ologies
Angela Surtees and Steve Gardner
Natural Mysticism in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows
J. R. Wytenbroek

- Patricia Reynolds Editor
- Glen H. GoodKnight, Editor
Joint Publication Information
Published by the Mythopoeic Press, PO Box 6707, Altadena California 91003-6707, USA and the Tolkien Society, c/o 16 Gibsons Green.
Heelands, Milton Keynes, England, MK13 7NH. Printed in the United States of America.
The Mythopoeic Press is an imprint of the Mythopoeic Society which is an non-profit organisation incorporated in California USA.
The Tolkien Society is a Charity registered in England No. 273809
First Published 1995
Published as
Mythlore, Volume 21, Number 2 (Whole Number 80). Winter 1996
Mallorn 33